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Monday, August 25, 2008

oh well,i duno y theres some problem with my music player and my blog cant play songs...anw,recently i started to enjoy old songs that i listen to when i was younger~
really brings bak memory...woot~
oyeah...and here's my guitar if u are curious bout how it looks like(:

shattered`* 7:37 AM

Saturday, August 23, 2008

today's an awesome day~
I bought a black acoustic guitarXD
ok so thx to manfung hu came down to help mi pick 1 and he oso wana teach mi every friday i tink...lets c when i can really play my guitar well(:
oyea..next week shld b a rather easier week compared to tis week as there will b lesser test coming my way...woot~
which oso means i can play more basketball too(:

shattered`* 7:48 AM

Friday, August 15, 2008

ok...long tym no see
many have advised mi to write post,update or sth similar...well,here i am.
ok,let mi tell u the story.
Meet Ken.He is an average guy lyk no other high school teenagers.
He was currently planning a class outing but was onli left with 6hours with so much left to do before he can tell his other classmates bout wad to do tomorrow for the outing.
Ken was stressed out totally.He completed his research on the places and attractions tt can b visited during outing one by one.He wrote the timetable for the outing too.Right now,the time was 8:30pm.He was left with 3hours+ before midnight and he is still on the outing thing.
He is conversing on9 wib his other good fren Mark. Together,they planned and tried make the best out of tomorrow's outing even though it might be in a rush.Mark and Ken were both veri excited as they can imagine how things will turn out.After a period of tym, they started closing things up and were smsing their classmated on wad is tomorrow's plan.
Ken told every classmates tt were on9.He also smsed people and asked Jean(a fren of his) to help him too.Jean did a great job and told many people.For Mark and Ken,they both smsed and typed on9 to all the classmates they could.
Ken started recieiving replies frm his classmates but however none of it turns out as a positive 1 since ppl were either complaining bout being not free or not being bothered to turn up.More and more of this msgs flooded his hp and also more replies from the on9 classmates on internet rushing to his doorstep.He was surrounded by them all.He was veri stress due to the amount of ppl not being able to turn up.Ken was also feeling veri down as his outing plan was falling to pieces as they got no choice but to postpone it as many people jus cant make it.Now was the worst part,he had to tell Jean and Mark about it and among them,there was Mark who work veri hard to get the outing plan right in its place.As Mark got to noe bout it,he was purely annoyed.He spent tym to plan and everything but things are going upside down in the end.I can also tell tt he must hab felt tt he hab wasted smses to tell classmates bout the event but nth well came bout.
At tt point of tym,Ken could onli b bothered by the feeling of cheating his classmates because he convinced ppl tt a outing would b turning out tis week but it isnt anymore.Just as he was typing his "sorry" msgs to the ppl he needed to express his apology to,Jean replied and sae she felt tt Ken was jus out to waste her sms and she wont forgive him.Ken felt angry as he also wasted money,Mark too,have wasted money but why was jean the only 1 hu is able to shout out tis complaint and push the freaking blame to others.He felt totally clueless on wad is the point of doing his best to make a class outing enjoyable when theres some ppl out there tt doesnt appreciate it.Ken and Mark emo-ed for tt moment but life still goes on as they tried to forget this matter.

shattered`* 7:39 AM



Damai Sec


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